photo by Jane Bell Goldstein
The Editorial Board of Vistas & Byways invites members of the OLLI at SF State community to submit original written work for consideration for publication. All work submitted will be reviewed and approved by the Editorial Board. The decision of the Editorial Board as to which material is selected is final.
Prose and Poetry:
Original Artwork and Photography:
Can be submitted (as a jpg, gif or png), along with a literary submission in order to illustrate a story or poem, contribute to the theme of a nonfiction work, or as a stand-alone graphic.
Submission Procedure:
We will begin accepting submissions for the Fall 2016 issue of Vistas & Byways on June 15, 2016. The submission deadline is August 8, 2016. Please email your submission(s) (in Microsoft Word or rtf format) as an attachment to the following address: [email protected]
Vistas & Byways accepts simultaneous submissions and previously published submissions as long as you inform us so we can mention it in your bio.
If this is your first submission to Vistas & Byways, please include the following information:
Your name, email address and the literary genre (fiction, nonfiction, poetry etc.) you want your piece to appear under. Also include a short bio (150 word maximum) and a recent photograph of yourself (as a jpg, gif, or png).
If we accept your piece (s), we will inform you via email. In that acceptance email, there will be a link to the following certification statement:
“I certify that this is an original piece of literary work, photography or artwork created by me. I grant the Editorial Board of Vistas & Byways permission to publish my work and agree that I will receive no payment. A modest amount of editing of the work by a member of the Editorial Board is acceptable. I understand that my work will be published in the next issue or in a succeeding issue.”
Click on the link to certify your agreement.
Copyright Protection:
The contents of Vistas & Byways will not be submitted for copyright protection to the U.S. Copyright Office. Authors who wish to secure copyright protection for their work are responsible for filing for such copyright before submitting their work to the Editorial Board. Neither the Editorial Board nor Vistas & Byways assumes any responsibility for loss or damages to individual authors for copyright infringement of literary work displayed in the magazine.
Prose and Poetry:
- Fiction: up to 7,500 words
- Nonfiction (memoirs, essays, one-act plays and other works of nonfiction): up to 7,500 words
- Excerpts from longer works of fiction or nonfiction: up to 7,500 words
- Poetry: No line or word limit
- Book Reviews (of non-OLLI-affiliated authors only): up to 1,000 words
Original Artwork and Photography:
Can be submitted (as a jpg, gif or png), along with a literary submission in order to illustrate a story or poem, contribute to the theme of a nonfiction work, or as a stand-alone graphic.
Submission Procedure:
We will begin accepting submissions for the Fall 2016 issue of Vistas & Byways on June 15, 2016. The submission deadline is August 8, 2016. Please email your submission(s) (in Microsoft Word or rtf format) as an attachment to the following address: [email protected]
Vistas & Byways accepts simultaneous submissions and previously published submissions as long as you inform us so we can mention it in your bio.
If this is your first submission to Vistas & Byways, please include the following information:
Your name, email address and the literary genre (fiction, nonfiction, poetry etc.) you want your piece to appear under. Also include a short bio (150 word maximum) and a recent photograph of yourself (as a jpg, gif, or png).
If we accept your piece (s), we will inform you via email. In that acceptance email, there will be a link to the following certification statement:
“I certify that this is an original piece of literary work, photography or artwork created by me. I grant the Editorial Board of Vistas & Byways permission to publish my work and agree that I will receive no payment. A modest amount of editing of the work by a member of the Editorial Board is acceptable. I understand that my work will be published in the next issue or in a succeeding issue.”
Click on the link to certify your agreement.
Copyright Protection:
The contents of Vistas & Byways will not be submitted for copyright protection to the U.S. Copyright Office. Authors who wish to secure copyright protection for their work are responsible for filing for such copyright before submitting their work to the Editorial Board. Neither the Editorial Board nor Vistas & Byways assumes any responsibility for loss or damages to individual authors for copyright infringement of literary work displayed in the magazine.